All things doughy

I hold high standards for the bread I eat, that it must be tasty, fresh and somewhat healthy (made without preservatives) – homemade is ideal! The painful symptoms of Fibromyalgia mean that kneading the bread would not be a good option for me, so to indulge my love for all things doughy I recently invested in a Panasonic bread maker and I’ve been experimenting with baking a wide variety of loaves: white, nutty, sundried tomato and parmesan, sundried tomato and chilli, Italian and spicy fruit.

My first loaf. A proud moment.

my first loaf

Sundried tomato and chilli – yummy!

sundried tomato and chilli

The spicy fruit loaf was delicious with jam:

spicy fruit

Even for an absolute beginner like me it’s ridiculously easy to bake my own fresh bread; I weigh and add the ingredients, then set the timer the night before and let the dough be kneaded and baked in the bread machine while I sleep soundly, then wake up to the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread! What beats fresh, warm bread for breakfast? Nothing!

I  bought another recipe book (I’m building up quite a collection now) and baked my favourite loaf so far………spicy pepper…….mmmmmmm! Delicious fresh bread topped with cheese, mustard, ham, red onion, tomato and mayo :) One of the most satisfying simple pleasures life has to offer.


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Keep smiling :)



About Claire'scomfycorner

Welcome to my comfy corner of the world wide web :)
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4 Responses to All things doughy

  1. maureen dinning says:

    Love u blog. Hate fibro so good on u. Xx


  2. Claire'scomfycorner says:

    Thanks for stopping by :) I hate fibro too xx


  3. says:

    i so need to get my bread maker on the go again, I gave up in the winter as no matter what we did the beread just didnt rise, but after doing a bit of reading I think the problem was that it was just too cold in the kitchen with my heating not working, so now you have inspired me to have another go seeing how its warmer weather and i have new heating lol, I used to make bread myself by hand but as you say fibro just dont like that idea but there are ways and means and we will find them,


    • Claire'scomfycorner says:

      Hi Gail :) I absolutely LOVE my bread maker. I’ve only had it for 6 weeks and I’ve tried baking so many different loaves, I haven’t bought bread since! Dust off your bread maker and enjoy the freshness of homemade bread :) xx



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