Recently I started looking for frugal and homemade ways to do things. I really wanted to make my own laundry powder; so I read lots of recipes online and watched quite a few videos on YouTube – the majority called for American ingredients or explained how to make liquid detergent. However, I was inspired and came up with my own recipe for laundry powder that is quick, easy and inexpensive.
The whole process of making my own laundry powder took me about 10 minutes!
Here’s what you need to make it:
2 soap bars – great for degreasing. I used ordinary soap, Waitrose lemon and amber. You can also use household soap like Falcon but I don’t particularly like the smell.
2 cups of Borax substitute (Borax is banned as a laundry product in the EU) so you have to buy a substitute called Bio Tex in the supermarkets, it’s superb for stain removal and whitening.
2 cups of Soda Crystals – great for odour removal.
2 cups of Oxi Powder (I bought the cheap version from the pound shop, it’s a fantastic stain remover).
(You can also add about 30 drops of your favourite essential oil for added fragrance – I added lemon as my first wash was lacking in scent.)
Follow these simple instructions:
1. Grate the bars of soap. You can use any grater that you have – I bought a cheap one especially for this purpose. 2. Add the grated soap to your blender, with 1 cup of either the washing soda or the Borax substitute (it doesn’t matter which one you add, you just want to stop the soap sticking to your blender). Blend it until the grated soap is finely cut, this is so that the soap will dissolve easily in the washing machine and also you’ll be able to get a good mix of all the ingredients in each tablespoon. I blended the soap in small batches as I have a small blender.
3. Add the blended mixture to a bowl, and mix in the Borax substitute, Soda Crystals and Oxi Powder. Use a spoon to mix them thoroughly.
4. Place in a sealed container, a jar or flip top container is fine. That’s it! Can you believe how quick and easy that was? Also, this only takes 1 tablespoon per load! Seriously! Just add 1 heaped tablespoon to the drum of your washing machine or 2 heaped tablespoons for extra dirty loads.
Does it really work?
I deliberately dirtied an old pair of PJs with mud, blackcurrant juice and mango chutney, left the stains to soak in for an hour and tried my first wash…….they came out clean, not a stain in sight! I had to add lemon essential oil to the mixed powder in my container after the first wash as I felt it didn’t smell lemony enough.
After: My second wash consisted of dark clothes and they came out smelling lovely and there was no soap residue left on the clothes.
Cost breakdown:
2 cups Borax substitute (£1.55)
2 cups Soda Crystals (55p)
2 cups Oxi Powder (80p)
2 bars of soap (83p)
Total cost = 3.73 per batch
Based on 1 Tbsp this works out to approximately 80 loads.
Cost per load: 5p approximately!
That’s incredibly cheap for a simple and effective laundry powder. Your laundry will be clean, fresh smelling and it will only cost you a few pence. I love it! It doesn’t aggravate my sensitive skin, and I love the feeling of doing it myself. I’m definitely sold on making my own laundry powder!
Keep smiling :)
Very clever and very impressed.
I did’t even think of doing this, such a good idea, I would be worried about it not smelling fresh but I guess the essential oil helps! Popping over from #busydoinglife :) x
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It does – I love the lemon scent :)
Hmmm …. sounds so interesting. Very creative idea! Thanks for sharing!
I love homemade laundry powder, I used to make my own too but haven’t got back to it since having baby number 5.. I must get organised again! Thankyou for sharing this with me on #busydoinglife
That’s amazing. However, I’m reluctant to use my blender for non food. Doesn’t it make things taste all soapy afterwards. I love the idea of adding your own scents too.
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Not at all after a good wash :) I’m still using my washing powder months later, I won’t ever be buying it again! It’s really effective at removing stains :) x
I will admit, I am too lazy to even consider doing this, good though it does sound x
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