A homemade recipe to effectively sooth a sore throat

It’s the early hours of the morning and I’m sitting here drinking hot lemon and honey water to sooth my sore throat. It is warm and comforting, and best of all it really does work!



Combine the juice of half a lemon with warm water and add 2 teaspoons of honey for a natural and effective sore throat remedy.

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Why honey?

Honey has long been used as a remedy for sore throats and coughs. The honey coats your throat and suppresses coughs. It has antibacterial properties and also acts as a hypertonic osmotic, which means that it draws water out of inflamed tissue. It reduces swelling and discomfort.

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And the lemon?

Lemon is an excellent fruit that fights against problems related to throat infections, due to its well-known antibacterial properties. The lemon helps break up mucus.

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This hot lemon and honey water remedy works best when you slowly sip it to ensure that you keep your throat coated. You will probably have to repeat several times throughout the day but it tastes amazing so you won’t mind.

A GOOD TIP is to add a dash of ground cayenne pepper, it contains capsaicin, a natural substance found in peppers that acts as a pain reliever. Or if you are sensitive to hot peppers you could add some cinnamon, it has natural antibacterial properties.

Keep smiling!



About Claire'scomfycorner

Welcome to my comfy corner of the world wide web :)
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2 Responses to A homemade recipe to effectively sooth a sore throat

  1. says:

    I swear by honey and lemon for a sore throat, thankyou for reminding me, I must restock ready for the cold and flu season!! Thankyou for sharing your recipe with me on #busydoinglife x


  2. Rachel says:

    I do a similar thing too, though I add whisky as it does help with the pain x

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