If life gives you lemons…

Is lemon water part of your daily routine?  Well, it should be!

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Lemons are packed with goodness. Make it a point to begin your day with a glass of warm (or cold) lemon water. Honestly, it will have a positive effect on your health.

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I’ve compiled a list of the health benefits of drinking lemon water:

One of the major health benefits of drinking warm lemon water is that it flushes out toxins and is extremely beneficial for the body. (Good bye toxins!)

Lemon water serves as the perfect ‘good morning drink’ as it aids the digestive system and it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating. (Fibro warriors take note – it can help with IBS!)

It contains only a few calories – so it can help with weight loss! (Now I just need to stop eating chocolate!)

Lemons are a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fibre, they also contains traces of iron and vitamin A. (This has to be good eh?)

Studies conducted at the American Urological Association discovered that lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals. (Now I’m just showing off that I’ve done my research!)

Lemons also have antibacterial properties – they help maintain your immune system! (I’ve had less colds this year since I started drinking lemon water.)

Lemons and honey are an inexpensive and effective sore throat remedy (see my earlier blog!)

Lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function. (My brain needs all the help it can get!)

It is a refreshing drink – keeping you hydrated in hot weather. (If the warm sun ever visits again!)

Also, lemon juice helps replenish body salts – especially after a workout session. (So I’ve heard, I’ve not tested this one!) *Note to self: I must look up ‘workout session’*

Finally, did you know that lemons are vitamin C rich and so they can enhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bring a glow to your face? (I’m still working on this!)

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Not only are there lots of benefits to drinking lemon water, it’s one of the most substantial, yet simple, changes you can make for your health. So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm (or cold) lemon water in the morning and enjoy its many health benefits.

Keep smiling :)



About Claire'scomfycorner

Welcome to my comfy corner of the world wide web :)
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59 Responses to If life gives you lemons…

  1. Lemon is so delicious in Tea and I love putting it in my water but I didn’t realize how many vitamins it has. I will definitely be getting more maybe even keep some lemon slices in the freezer.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • Lemon slices from the freezer are great, they cool your drink down and add a subtle flavour :) x


  2. dominika says:

    I love adding lemon to tea and water! It makes it drinks so delicious!

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  3. kancell724 says:

    I need to start doing this. I have been drinking more water. Have to kick the soda habit.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • It’s hard to kick the soda habit, you can do it! x



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