Wow! I’ve already been blogging for 6 months. When I started I hoped a few friends and family would read my blog. I also wished others with Fibromyalgia would also visit and read as I write about life with chronic pain – I’m trying to raise awareness about this underfunded and often misunderstood invisible illness. My life has changed but I am determined that this chronic pain condition will not beat me and even though I’m often in severe pain I have been setting myself little challenges like learning to bake, cook and I’ve even made my own soap, laundry powder and jam. I enjoy learning new skills and working towards a goal; it keeps me motivated. I try to remain positive and my mantra is: ‘with pain comes strength’. I’m discovering that I am stronger than I ever thought.
In the early days my friends and family gave me positive feedback on my blog and encouraged me to keep blogging, I kept sharing about my life with a chronic pain condition and my readers increased slowly – I promoted each blog post on Twitter (to 45 followers), Pinterest (1 follower!), on my Facebook private account and on a Fibromyalgia forum. But I only promoted it once each time! Those lovely people who read my posts responded positively and I was starting to inspire other Fibromyalgia warriors to keep fighting and keep smiling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the 1,000 visitors that returned each month.
I didn’t have a clue about the power of social media!
In September I joined a Facebook blogging group and I learned so much from other experienced bloggers. In the past 7 weeks I’ve started promoting my blog posts more frequently on Twitter and my followers have increased to 1268! I’m still getting the hang of Pinterest but I have increased my followers to 120. I joined Instagram and started posting pictures from my blog and pictures of my naughty cats and yummy food – I now have 1737 followers. I also finally got around to creating a Facebook page a month ago. And what effect has all of this promotion had on my blog? Well, my most popular post in September was ‘What do you know about Fibromyalgia?’, it had over 9000 views in one week. My blog has grown in popularity since then. I’ve been overwhelmed with the positive feedback I’ve received
But why am I happy about this growth in my readership? My goal is to raise awareness about Fibromyalgia. We need the government and the health department to recognise Fibromyalgia for what it is, a debilitating life-changing illness and give more funding to help find a cure. Fibromyalgia is an invisible illness, I may appear fine but it causes quite severe fatigue and severe pain. I’m also hoping to inspire others who live with chronic pain, I want to reach out and let them know that they are not alone in their battle.
So, what are my five top tips for new bloggers?
- Build a community of loyal readers. Write appealing and catchy blog titles, this will inspire people’s curiosity and attract them to your site. Write about something you are passionate about, let your personality and passion shine through your posts. Ensure that you write meaningful blog posts that will resonate with your regular readers. Encourage interaction wherever possible, talk directly to your readers and invite them to reply to your posts. Engage with them and always respond to their comments – let them know how much they mean to you.
- People love images, they add visual interest and help to break up text. Over the past month my food photos have improved. I have a better camera, I bought white plates to enhance the visual appeal of my food and I always try to include at least one close up image of the texture of the food. I hope to continue improving and learn to edit.
- Social media is powerful. You need to develop a promotion plan and follow it with the same amount of intensity you poured into writing your blog post. Join Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and create a Facebook page. Promote your blog regularly! EVERY DAY! I use Buffer to schedule my tweets – up to 10 a day. And best of all Buffer is free! You can download the app and schedule your tweets whilst you’re out living your life. Spend time liking and commenting on photos on Instagram that you love. I’m attracted to beautifully presented food, cute cats and mesmerising scenic views. Oh and pretty flowers! Include social media sharing buttons on your site, you want your regular readers to share your blog posts easily. One of my blog posts was shared over 4,100 times on Facebook alone. This has helped to raise further awareness about Fibromyalgia.
- Join a Facebook blogging group. Never underestimate the importance of networking with other bloggers. There is a wonderful community of bloggers out there. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; ask questions, listen to advice and learn from more experienced bloggers. Engage with other bloggers, visit their blogs, show them some love – retweet interesting blog posts, follow them on a variety of social media platforms and comment on their posts. You might be asked to write a guest post on another blogging site, this is a wonderful feeling, a proud moment and it attracts new readers.
- And finally and most importantly – enjoy blogging. Stop worrying about stats. Work on creating great content and rewarding your regular readers. Have fun!
Thank you to all my readers. I hope you are gaining an understanding about what life is like for a Fibromyalgia warrior and if you do live with chronic pain please know that pain can change you but don’t let it define you. Use the love inside you to keep strong, to keep fighting and find some positivity in your life.
Keep smiling
Tip 3 is a great one. I have been blogging since 2008 and just now starting to promote myself more in the past year. Amazing the difference in my blog now!
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Claire, these are some great tips. I have a couple friends with fibromyalgia and you are right that the awareness needs to be raised on this issue. The power of social media is amazing. Best, Tina
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Awareness definitely needs to be raised. X
Love this! I’m somewhat new to blogging as well and I agree with all your tips! I love my Facebook support groups 😊 and congrats on the numbers! Looking great 👍🏻
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Thank you x
Congratulations on all your accomplishments! You are living proof that nothing needs to stop us from doing what we need to do.
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Awww thank you x
what an awesome story of perseverance.
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Thanks x
Thankyou for the tips, its really great and helpful to the new bloggers. It is very useful to me as well, Im a blogger. So thankful for the tips.
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Your passion for your blog’s mission is what’s coming through and bringing readers back again and again. Yay for you!
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Such a great tips for new blogger like me. I love to learn a new things for blogging
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I think it’s awesome that you’re such a positive person. It helps a lot when you’re going through something. It’s good to know that you are doing okay and that you’re fighting. Those are awesome tips for new bloggers too!
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Thanks you for your lovely comment. X
Very useful tips.. I’ve been blogging for more than 5 years and still learning
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Such great tips shared and these are really helpful for me too!! Loved this post!!
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Thank you
This is a great list you’ve put together. A lot of new bloggers will appreciate this. I can’t stress enough on the importance of including images in blog posts – they do make posts more enticing. I have been blogging since 2003 and I’ve seen how images ( and good ones at that ) work for me.
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I look back on some of my first images and cringe, hopefully I’ll keep getting better
Such a wonderful tips, I have a few friends that need your smart tips.
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Thanks x
These are really great tips, congrats on your mini blogoversary!
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Thank you x
Congrats on 6 months, and for what you’re doing to increase Fibromyalgia awareness. It’s my 6 month blogaversary too
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Happy 6 month blogaversary too
Great tips — there is always something new to learn when it comes to blogging. Congrats on reaching a milestone!
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Thanks x
Always stay positive and always keep fighting! You’re such a lovely person, thanks for sharing your experience.
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Awww thank you
Yes there are so many fantastic tools that can help and lots of hard work.
Congratulations on growing your numbers so well in only 6 months! I’m still hammering out my social media sharing, but I agree, blogging groups are a great boost!
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Thanks! I love the blogging community x
I remember in my early days of blogging it was so scary and fun and I started a Newbie Bloggers group. We had a blast, but we each slowly outgrew the group and someone newer than me took it over. I wonder sometimes if that group is still around.
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Love all of your tips. I am new to blogging so they are very helpful.
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Great Chanelle
Happy blogging x
Great tips my dear! And congrats on your 6 months of blogging!! :*
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Thank you x
Yes to all of these tips! Build a community and comment on other’s pages. All great advice here. Good luck in your journey!
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Thank you! I’m enjoying the journey so far x
Great job with your blog, and such great tips. I also try to raise awareness for premature birth.
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Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary!!! Great tips
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Thank you
These are some great tips! Congrats on 6 months. So glad we found each other in a blogging network!
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These are great tips!!! I learned really quickly that my readers were all
About pictures…. I feel the more pictures I have the more comments I get! People are visual that’s for sure!
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I’m sorry you have to live with chronic pain. You are an inspiration. On the upside, your blogging tips are great. I like #1 the best. Blogging Friends are so important. They really know what to say at the right time.
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Thanks x
These are some REALLY great tips!!!
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Awesome tips Claire I love visting your blog
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Thank you x
Great tips!! Definitely helpful.
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Wow! Congrats on your rapid social media growth! I’m especially impressed with your Insta numbers! It just shows when your are passionate about a specific niche like that,they will come!
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These are absolutely fabulous tips! I wish I would have learned those when I started!
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Wow, firstly I had no idea you had only been blogging 6 months. Well done on your Instagram, that’s amazing and great tips here for newbies too. I agree with them all
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Thank you
The images one is a very good tip! I wish I had known about improving my images earlier.
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Me too
Excellent post and I’m glad you persevered! I agree with your tips. I don’t suffer from fibromyalgia, but I know some who do. I have other health challenges, though, so I empathize with those who suffer and appreciate that you’re blogging for a cause like this.
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Thank you for stopping by x
Congrats on hitting a lot of milestones. I agree about the images; they play an important role in maintaining a reader’s interest in what you have to say. I know that I am less inclined to read a post without an image.
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This can’t be any truer. ^_^ I started my blog as a simple hobby and didn’t know the potential of social media. I think i’m on the right track now. Been able to attend different events, got some stuffs and was able to meet different people.
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That’s fab
Love these tips. I have been blogging more seriously for 4 months and have loved the Facebook blogger groups too. x
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They are great x
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Great tips and advice. I’ve been a blogger for a few years and I still resort back to beginner information.
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Thank you Nicole x
Chronic pain can be tough to deal with but your story is great.
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Thank you Erika xx
I definitely agree with your tips! There is so much more to blogging than people think/
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There is x
Hi Claire, totally agree that it’s tough blogging with Fibro. I feel I’ve come along way since breaking down a lot several years ago..glad I started my blog and like you, find some strengths within. It’s not about giving in, it’s about turning that page! Congrats on doing so well
Heidi x
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Thank you Heidi
I’m definitely turning that page x
Well done on hitting the 6 month milestone, yay and hopefully it will soon be the year and then tow years and so on x
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Thanks Rachel x
Thanks for the tips! As a fairly new blogger (around 8 months) I still have a lot today learn, and it’s always useful to see posts like these. I really enjoy writing and I’ve had some great feedback, it’s made me realise I need to start taking a more proactive approach. I really want to share my experiences of RA with others, raising awareness was always my goal. Congratulations on the success of your blog xx
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Thank you x
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Thanks for the advice, I love reading your blog and your right about visuals, I love your food and baking blogs. I’ve been blogging since before Christmas and no one reads mine lol, keep going and pushing awareness for us Fibro sufferers x
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Thanks Debs
Keep writing and people will come to read eventually xx
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