Positive affirmations that might motivate, uplift and inspire you

At the end of all my blogs I always write ‘keep smiling’.  Why? I think it’s vital to remember to not give up on life, yes living with Fibromyalgia is tough but we have to try and keep positive.  Yes, there will be times when the tears of frustration and pain will flow freely but we need to wipe away those tears and then try to find a reason to smile again. We can’t allow Fibromyalgia to steal our smiles.


Trying to keep positive is important – we deserve to be happy.  We are fibro warriors, not fibro sufferers!


Sometimes we repeat self-defeating or negative phrases in our minds:

‘I can’t do this.’

‘There is too much to do.’

‘I haven’t the energy to keep trying.’

‘My life is terrible.’

These phrases need to be replaced with positive affirmations:

‘I can do this and I will find a way to do this!’

‘I will start with the important things and get this done one at a time.’

‘I will not give up!’

‘I can see so much beauty in this world!’

Positive Affirmations When you can’t sleep1

By repeating some of these positive affirmations daily they will become part of your daily life – they will transform your thinking and help you overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts.  Believe in yourself and you can do anything!


Some positive affirmations that might help motivate, uplift and inspire you:

  • I always give my best in any activity that I undertake and therefore I am successful.
  • Each breath that I inhale fills my body with strength and power.
  • I can, I can, I can do it!
  • I believe in me.
  • I know, accept and am true to myself.
  • I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
  • I accept what I cannot change.
  • I look for humour and fun in as many situations as possible.
  • I make the best of every situation.
  • I have control over my thoughts, feelings and choices.
  • I make a difference whenever I can.
  • I am unique and I am worthy.
  • I deserve and get goodness from the world and in turn I give goodness back to the world.
  • I overcome my fear of anything and everything and live life courageously.
  • With every breath, I release the anxiety within me and I become more and more calm.
  • I am grateful for the people who love and support me.
  • I live in the moment while learning from the past and preparing for the future.
  • I never give up.
  • I let go of all past baggage and concentrate only on the present.
  • I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
  • I know I can make a difference, I try my best to help others.
  • Life is beautiful, life is fulfilling. I love life!
  • I radiate and attract love.
  • The future is good. I look towards it with hope and happiness.
  • I am confident about solving life’s problems successfully.


Say these positive affirmations regularly and they become firmly imprinted in your consciousness – they might help you to keep positive, motivated and to keep smiling.


Keep smiling :)



UK Fibromyalgia

About Claire'scomfycorner

Welcome to my comfy corner of the world wide web :)
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70 Responses to Positive affirmations that might motivate, uplift and inspire you

  1. This is a really inspirational and uplifting post, it’s good to be positive :)


  2. sr1062 says:

    Great post, so inspirational. I definitely need to take a note from this.


  3. pudpalmer says:

    It’s so nice to see someone else who thinks the same, yes I have FM but it’s not going to stop me!

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  4. Daniella says:

    Such an uplifting post, I need to remember that must I accept what I cannot change


  5. Emma says:

    I was disagnosed on Tuesday and it is quite overwhelming. With my 2 little girlies some days can be quite a struggle so I shall be using some of these to keep me going. Thank you.


  6. Kim Carberry says:

    I love this! I need to remember this when I’m feeling down or sorry for myself! Great post x

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  7. Veena says:

    Great post!! Truly inspirational .
    Thank you for sharing this ,i will definitely remind myself of all these.


  8. Deniza says:

    This put a smile on my face. I saved all the pictures to put on my phone as a wallpaper, so I can be in a positive mood everytime I see it :) Thank you!


  9. Cathy Glynn says:

    What an inspiring post and plenty of food for thought x


  10. Jenni - Odd Socks and Lollipops says:

    Thinking positive can be so powerful. I always try to think positively, it doesn’t always work but I try!


  11. A very inspiring post. I too like to spread positivity on my facebook page every day, but it’s lovely to be reminded myself. Thank you. This was something I got in to when I was planning my home birth last year. They really really work!


  12. sopsychedout says:

    I agree that this is an inspiring post! In fact, I find the whole blog plus Claire herself inspirational! I had the pleasure of working with Claire a few years ago and despite all the bad stuff that’s happened to her, she is one of the most positive people that I have ever met! I’m glad that everyone else agrees! On FB, we were discussing positive affirmations in more detail and I mentioned that one thing I tell myself when I have a bad day is that I will concentrate on what I can do rather than what I can’t do! Claire said that this is a positive way to think about my condition (I don’t have Fibromyalgia but I do have episodes of acute and sometimes debilitating nerve pain in my lower back due to an old injury. I recently found out that because I also have slight scoliosis, this will keep happening to me for the rest of my life unless I exercise regularly). Whenever I can, I also focus on what I can do today that I couldn’t do yesterday and what I aim to do tomorrow. E.g. Today, I walked to and from my local town centre using the hard route for the first time since injuring my back. This involved walking up and down a fairly steep hill! I didn’t think I could do this as hill walking was a near impossibility for me until recently but I decided to try anyway and it got easier as I went along. Claire suggested that I share this with you all as an example of why my philosophy works for me! I hope that no-one minds! I hope that you have a good day tomorrow health wise and that Claire’s blogs help you as much as they do me! Thanks Claire!

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  13. sopsychedout says:

    PS. Tomorrow, I aim to get back to wearing a pair of shoes that are not Skechers! As comfortable as they are, I would like to be able to wear more feminine shoes again! Does anyone else have anything that they can do today that they couldn’t do yesterday and ideas about what they want to achieve tomorrow?

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  14. It’s so important to keep positive affirmations in life. I think thoughts are like outfits, you choose which one you’ll put on everyday. Although many people don’t believe it, thoughts define actions, so staying positive is vital. Keep going, Claire!


  15. Sarah Bailey says:

    What a fantastic post, I often feel like I should say something positive to myself each day to try and give myself a boost. x


  16. Such a wonderfully positive post. I am going to write some of these down


  17. You just made up my whole Sunday ! Thank you for that! Very oisitive post! Good morning! :)

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  18. Such a great positive inspiring post. There is always something to be positive for.


  19. TheLondonMum says:

    I think positive affirmations are so important, great post. x


  20. This is such a wonderful post. It is full of inspiration! Great read.


  21. Renna says:

    Thank you for all the information. You’re right, many people hear of illness but know nothing about it. Very inspirational.


  22. Deanna Acosta says:

    Great post, feeling down with a really bad flare up and it helped out. Thank you.


  23. You Baby Me Mummy says:

    What a great roundup of affirmations, I will definitely be trying some of these myself x

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  24. Rachel says:

    I absolutely love this! I need to remember this when I’m feeling down or sorry for myself! Great post x


  25. Your posts are truly inspiring. Touched.


  26. Such an inspirational post! I am in need of these positive affirmations some days to remind me that life isn’t all bad and we need to see the best in ourselves thank you x


  27. bowen1960 says:

    Whatever problems we encounter in life applying your philosophy will help get us through.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  28. thefreerangefamily2015 says:

    What a FANTASTIC post!! I need to be kinder to myself… I am my harshest critic! I hope you have a possitive week xx


  29. Mandi says:

    A very positive and inspirational post, we have had a terrible couple of weeks with bad news, but when you read something like this it certainly makes you feel a whole lot better, so thankyou xx


  30. Hello Beautiful Bear says:

    Thank you for such an inspiring and positive post :) I have bookmarked this to come back to later should I have a crisis of confidence (this is a regular thing, haha!) X X


  31. Love this post – really positive and truly inspirational and uplifting :)

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  32. Such an inspiring post! I love reading those positive affirmations, hope I can do the same! Anyway, Thanks so much for dropping by at my blog…

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  33. says:

    This is such an inspiring post. It’s so important to stay positive.

    Daniella | Freshly Pressed Beauty


  34. Ickle Pickle says:

    I love positive affirmations – they really do work and make a huge difference. What you put out- you get back. Kaz x


  35. Aimee Foster says:

    This is my favourite type of blog post! I love quotes (and words in general) and I really believe in the power of affirmations. ‘I am worthy’ is my favourite. Thank you for sharing such a motivational post! x

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  36. jollyjillys says:

    So true Claire. I have FM as well and each day is a struggle. I have gained a huge amount of weight as well due to my lack of energy which weighs me down. I so find It hard to remember the days when I was fit and well and making the effort to even leave the house at times is hard. I try and fight on and paste a smile even if deep down I feel like staying in bed forever. I will take on board your positive affirmations and thanks for sharing. Fight on Fight on!


  37. Jess Powell says:

    Such an uplifting post – I really do feel brighter for reading it! :)

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  38. Charlotte says:

    This is such a great post! Positivity is so important! Thanks for linking up! #shareasmile x

    LikeLiked by 1 person


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