I blog about living with the chronic pain condition Fibromyalgia. I try to raise awareness about this often misunderstood and underfunded invisible illness. Recently the lovely Annette from the website The Fibronaut published one of my blog posts: Strategies for coping with a Fibromyalgia diagnosis. http://thefibronaut.co.uk/featured/strategies-for-coping-with-a-fibromyalgia-diagnosis-by-claire-collopy/#fibro
Thanks Annette for all you do with raising awareness about Fibromyalgia :)
Please help us raise awareness by sharing this blog and visiting Annette’s fabulous website.
We can make this illness visible!
Keep smiling :)
Hi Claire, finding your blog today was clearly meant to be – I have very recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and am a little lost at sea with it all. So, thanks to you and thanks to Anette for publishing your post over on her blog too! I will read it with interest. All the best. Zoe :) x
Thanks Zoe :) Sorry that you have fibro, try to keep positive and not let it beat you xx
It is so good that awareness is now being raised about this illness – it is surprising how many people have it.
What id like to know is why do so many people have fibromyalgia ???????
It’s great that you are raising awareness of this illness which is often misunderstood. Well done to you. Kaz x
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Such a wonderful thing, to raise awareness about something like an illness like this. I am off to have a read now.
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I have heard of fibro before but didn’t actually know what it was, wow there is so many ailments of it. Thank you for raising awareness.
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Great post for raising awareness! I think bloggers are starting to help people get through the dark days and I’m all for it!
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I am so sorry you live with fibromyalgia. It is such a misunderstodo illness indeed.
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I shall definitely share it on – Fibro is awful, completely turned my life upside down (again) x
Thanks Sarah :) It is awful xx
I have to say, that I’ve not really known about this before, but, I’m finding it is actually more common than I thought.
it really is a silent disease. My sister in law is a bartender and suffers from this. The change in weather really effects here. Praying for a cure soon and more funding.
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Thank you Brooke x
I know a few people with fibro, it’s so horrible and a lot of people don’t realise how debilitating it can be :-(
I hadn’t heard of this illness until a couple of years ago when two of my friends were diagnosed after a very lengthy battle of going back and forth to the doctors. It’s incredibly debilitating for them to the point where some days they just can’t physically get up and about.
It is debilitating. I’m hoping to keep moving for as long as I can :) xx
Great news that your blog has been found and shared with a wider audience. I hope you raise more awareness!
Such a lovely aware raising post . Sorry you have to go through the pain but that has made you such a strong and positive person that you are x
Thank you for your lovely words xx
Fibro is definitely one of those illnesses that is misunderstood and not a lot is spoken about x
That is so true but hopefully we will continue to raise awareness x
This is such a great post and I always love blogs/posts about raising awareness.
So many people suffer with this – It’s awful!