Is lemon water part of your daily routine? Well, it should be!
Lemons are packed with goodness. Make it a point to begin your day with a glass of warm (or cold) lemon water. Honestly, it will have a positive effect on your health.
I’ve compiled a list of the health benefits of drinking lemon water:
One of the major health benefits of drinking warm lemon water is that it flushes out toxins and is extremely beneficial for the body. (Good bye toxins!)
Lemon water serves as the perfect ‘good morning drink’ as it aids the digestive system and it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating. (Fibro warriors take note – it can help with IBS!)
It contains only a few calories – so it can help with weight loss! (Now I just need to stop eating chocolate!)
Lemons are a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fibre, they also contains traces of iron and vitamin A. (This has to be good eh?)
Studies conducted at the American Urological Association discovered that lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals. (Now I’m just showing off that I’ve done my research!)
Lemons also have antibacterial properties – they help maintain your immune system! (I’ve had less colds this year since I started drinking lemon water.)
Lemons and honey are an inexpensive and effective sore throat remedy (see my earlier blog!)
Lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function. (My brain needs all the help it can get!)
It is a refreshing drink – keeping you hydrated in hot weather. (If the warm sun ever visits again!)
Also, lemon juice helps replenish body salts – especially after a workout session. (So I’ve heard, I’ve not tested this one!) *Note to self: I must look up ‘workout session’*
Finally, did you know that lemons are vitamin C rich and so they can enhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bring a glow to your face? (I’m still working on this!)
Not only are there lots of benefits to drinking lemon water, it’s one of the most substantial, yet simple, changes you can make for your health. So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm (or cold) lemon water in the morning and enjoy its many health benefits.
Keep smiling :)
I used to hate when restaurants put a slice of lemon in my water. “If I wanted lemonade, I’d order a lemonade!” I wanted water. Clean, crisp, refreshing water. Untainted with this thing called “flavor”. Fast forward several years…I tried lemon water at home. My wife’s, to be exact. She not only cut the lemon slices, but scored the peel with a cheese grater. That was strong! Not a teensy hint of flavor…this was a flavor rush! Much better than the hint of flavor of just a cut up lemon slice. It all falls back on experimenting with the strength of the lemon in the water. Find something you like and enjoy the benefits!
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I have started to take lemon water in a bottle for my commute instead of a travel mug of tea, it does feel much healthier and refreshing. I also like lime and mint water too.
Amanda. #weekendbloghop
Lime and mint sounds delicious :) x
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if life gives me lemons i make lemon drizzle cake or lemon curd lol
Lemons are amazing! They are fantastic for cleaning too.
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I love putting lemon in my water, its so refreshing and gentle on my system xxx
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so now the next time i go to Whole Foods and see lemons on sale :D
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Love this! Lemons are so good, and when life gives me lemons ;)
Thanks :) They are so versatile and good for us x
Lemon water is soo good for you. I love the way my body feels after drinking it. It seems to really cleanse my insides.
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I love lemons in water on holiday, especially in places where you have to drink so much water. Plain water gets a little bit old, fast! So whenever I make lemon water here it makes me think of our last trip!
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I know several people who do this religiously and I never have, its silly as its something I’d like and and its such an easy step towards being healthier!!
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These are wonderful health benefits! I drink a lot of water, but not much lemon water. I need to add more into my diet!
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Reading this with a lingering cold. Cheers for the reminder about good old honey and lemon.
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I agree with the honey and lemon for bad throat, I haven;t tried lemon water though
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Reaaaally cold lemon water makes me want to drink tons more water. I need to get myself some lemons, I don’t drink nearly as much water as I should.
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My drink of choice. Both hot and cold. :)
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Lemons are really great! Everyday I drink water with lemon.
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needed! i need to drink more water anyway and this will help.
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I’ve been told of the benefits by a few people but have never actually gotten around to preparing it myself. I really should though x
Lemons are super healthy but I just dont like the taste.
I have to admit it isn’t – perhaps I should give it a try, it might give the twist I need to enjoy water more as well! x
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Yep, my favorite kind of water! Easy, cheap, and fresh!
I always do my lemon water for a good amount of time, then stop, then do it again. I love anything with lemon. I dont even know why I stop. Lol.
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Everyone in my family loves lemon water! Iused to eat the lemons, but had to stop because of the effect they were having on my teeth. Ick.
If life gives me lemons, I make lemon water! Lemon delivers many health benefits and it helped a lot in my weight loss journey.
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Yeah to lemons!! I love lemon water!
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We have a lemon tree in our backyard which produces a decent amount of lemons. And, I have been obsessed with lemon infused water! I’m seeing benefits too :)
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Fantastic :) I would love a lemon tree x
I know that lemons are very good for you, I’m just far too lazy to cut up a slice each morning! This post has inspired me to try though. I drink lots of water anyway and I have a infuser bottle so it can’t be that hard for me to add some lemons..
You can cut them up and freeze them, then you can use them as ice cubes :) So refreshing x
I go through the motions of having lemon water and then not having it x
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I really need to start doing this, I hate lemon though! Is lime good enough? haha
I really need to drink more water, I am terrible I just don’t like drinking it. But this might be the perfect way to get me to drink it more.
Lemon water is such a wonderful idea. Our kids love lemons so we do this in our family.
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My MIL turned me on to lemon water when I was pregnant and nursing. I love it. I also love lemons in my soda and tea, but water is the best.
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A little lemon is a favorite way to consume more water. That burst of flavor makes it easier for me to drink more.
Lemons are so versatile–cooking, cleaning, baking, medicine…you name it! Such an awesome gift to the world!
I hate lemons! They’re bitter and nasty, though I’ve constantly heard of the health benefits behind having lemon water…can’t do it though…
You really did do your research! ;) I had no idea about all of this with lemons, but I have always felt like it has helped clean out my system.
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Yes! I absolutely love lemons, you can do so much with them.
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Back when I worked at the Plantation, I remember the executive chef would start each day with a large pitcher of ice water with a couple of lemons, halved, in it. Those kitchens were so hot and humid you could find yourself dehydrated and depleted very quickly if you weren’t careful!
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Thanks for the great reminder! I need to start adding more lemon to my water!
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I used to do this, but stopped for some unknown reason. Popping lemons back on my shopping list!
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I have just started adding lemon to my water, simply because I like the taste. Now I can fell virtuous for doing so as I know it is so healthy
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I used to really enjoy hot water and lemon. You have reminded me of this just in time for the cold weather! x
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Great post, thank you for sharing :) I’ve heard lemon and water is meant to be very good for you!
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Lemons are awesome, my daughter always requests Lemon in her Ice Tea, She is a big fan of lemons!
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I actually kind of hate lemons, but I make an effort to drink lemon water every day anyway. It’s hard!
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Lemon water is so good for you – I really need to drink more. My nan (who is 95) swears by it! Kaz x
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Lemon water is good for you. I try to drink a glass every morning before i head off to work.
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Oh my gosh! Thank you for this post because I am an avid lemon in my water drinker lol and It feels good to know I am doing my body right!!
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I drink lemon water from time to time – but I have never made it a daily habit. I would like to – but I also love my coffee in the morning.
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Does lemon juice count?